Please fill the form below to participate

Macheo- works with highschool students from informal settlements in Nairobi. Program runs on Saturdays & during school holidays. Volunteering opportunities include: tutoring in Math, Sciences and Languages; mentoring the high school students. | COP- Volunteering opportunities mainly on Saturdays, working with vulnerable groups including teenage moms, children's homes, prisons, etc. Additionally, we mentor students in school across the country.
Owing to the nature of our activities, it is prudent that you have medical insurance.
Pay the annual commitment fee of Ksh. 200 via MPESA to 0758 669 976- TERESIA MAINA. Input the MPESA code and name as it appears on the payment confirmation message
By agreeing to this, you are releasing the Community Service Centre, Strathmore University and its affiliates permission to use to use your image and likeness and/or any interview statements from you in its publications, advertising or other media activities (including the internet with social media). This consent includes, but is not limited to: (a) Permission to interview, film, photograph, tape, audio or otherwise make a video reproduction of me and/or record my voice; (b) Permission to use my name; and (c) Permission to use quotes from the interview(s) (or excerpts of such quotes), the film, photograph(s), tape(s) or reproduction(s) of me, and/or recording of my voice, in part or in whole, in its publications, in newspapers, magazines and other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including the Internet with social media), in theatrical media and/or in mailings for educational and awareness. This consent is given in perpetuity, and does not require prior approval by me. The University is committed to processing your personal information in accordance with the University’s Data Protection Policy, Data Protection Act 2019 and its Regulations. This data will therefore be processed in line with the relevant Data Protection, Policies, Laws and Regulations in the way(s) and purpose(s) detailed in this CSC Volunteer Sign Up Form