|By Bany Sabore|
Barack Obama once said that “If you go out and make things happen, you will fill the world with hope…” At Strathmore University, Service to Society is among our strategic pillars because through service to the community around us, we find purpose as change agents by enhancing, impacting and uplifting those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Over the years, it has become a tradition to set aside time to create awareness on the numerous ways one can impact society. This year, 11th-15th July 2022 marked the annual Community Service Week. Stratizens, alumni and staff were in full attendance to participate in the activities outlined for the week in a bid to #ServeTheSociety.
Community Outreach Program (COP) Awareness Day
In all its work, COP encourages student, alumni and staff participation with the aim of equipping them for a lifetime of outreach and volunteerism. In that, an awareness day was organized on Campus that sought to garner students and staff, through testimonials and memorable experiences to join for a good cause.
“I joined COP in 2016 and to be honest this still stands as one of the best decisions I have made. There is nothing as rewarding as putting yourself out there to service others for a good cause. The great team of volunteers also make the whole experience that much fun” – Trevor Radido.
Visiting Thomas Barnados and Happy Life Children’s homes
In life, there is nothing that pleases one’s heart than to touch somebody else’s life. To make an impact on them and see their lives change for the better because of one’s kindness. We visited Thomas Barnados and Happy Life Children’s homes where we shared our warm spirits with the children. From cooking, to cleaning, to babysitting the infants, to sporty activities. Singing and dancing contributed to the success of the day.
An afternoon at Texas Cancer Centre
We got the opportunity to spend an afternoon at Texas Cancer Center that aims to provide hope and quality care to those diagnosed with cancer.
It being our first at the Center, we were driven by the slogan “Be Prepared!” We cleaned the ambulances on site. The environment too, and left it with a sparkle!
Visiting Nairobi West Prison
Incarceration separates families. Regardless of whether it is a minor or major offense, one thing is certain, it is not easy; for the prisoner as well as those connected to them. This leads to the question of how one can impact those in prison.
The better part of Friday afternoon was spent visiting inmates at the Nairobi West Prison. In visiting the inmates at Nairobi West Prison, we motivated and gave advice to them by encouraging them to engage in activities where one may gain some skills through programs that are offered in Prison.
Later that afternoon, nail-biting football and volleyball matches between the COP members and inmates, marked the highlight of the day. The inmates won the football match 3-o. What a game!
Team Building and fun activities!
To culminate the week’s activities, time was set aside to bond and participate in fun team activities in Naivasha. New members who joined the COP team this week received a hearty welcome.
“At the end, it is not about what you have or even what you have accomplished. It is about who you have lifted up, who you have made better. It is about what you’ve given back.”- Denzel Washington. As we may make #ServiceToSociety a way of life, be of impact!